Nine years ago, back in 2010 (how has it been nine years since 2010?!), I used to spend many hours a day in between working my job as a station officer at the police station with my head stuck in a daydream. I'd stumbled across YouTube and then I'd stumbled across family vloggers such as The Shaytards and The Saccone Jolys and I felt instantly drawn to what they were doing. I loved how they were capturing life in all of its rawness. How they'd make the ordinary moments seem like the moments that were worth capturing and how they had this portal of memories they could instantly look back on.
At that point in my life, I was finding out what true happiness felt like. I had just married my childhood sweetheart and we were expecting our first baby. If there was ever a moment in time I wanted to capture and bottle up, it was then. So I felt drawn to creating my own videos, capturing my own moments. Not at first for anybody else (the sheer thought of absolutely anyone watching the videos I might create was utterly terrifying). And not as a business at first (I hadn't even really thought of it that way when I started). Just as a way of capturing that happiness I was feeling for maybe one of the first times in my life.
My first few attempts of creating a 'vlog' on the camera on my phone didn't go to plan. I won't call them failures because those attempts led me to where I am now - earning a VERY decent wage and working for myself as a blogger and a vlogger. But they didn't go to plan and I realised that despite my passion for wanting to capture everyday life, I had to seriously work on my confidence.

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A long while ago (2013 to be exact!), I wrote a blog post aimed at those that were maybe thinking about starting up a blog called Tips for ...
Around a year ago, I joined Channel Mum as a Mummy vlogger as part of a network of other Mum's who were already on YouTube or had...
If you're a fellow blogger (hi) or an aspiring blogger (hi) then this one's for you..
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