The Internet is full of tons and tons of educational, helpful and interesting information and it can be a great way to help us stay connected, but we are all aware that there is a darker side to the online world. Kids these days are using technology younger and younger and as with most things, in moderation, this can be beneficial and fun to them, but how do we ensure that our kids are staying as safe as possible online? I'm sharing five tips below!
1. Limit screen time
I think the most important thing to start with is to set the boundaries and expectations of how much screen time is allowed. We all know that technology can be addictive even for us adults and it's no different for our kids. Set a routine with it and stick to it, this will help your child have a clearer view of what they want to do during their tech time and stop them from getting drawn into other things which perhaps you may not actually want them viewing.
2. Talk to your child about what they should and shouldn't be doing online
Make it clear to your child from the outset about the importance of staying safe online. Explain that scams can and do happen online. Explain what information is okay to share online and what isn't. Open communication about the online world with your child will make it feel easier for them to come to you should anything arise that they may be unsure of.
3. Set restrictions and block age-inappropriate content
It is too easy to fall across things that we may not want our children seeing at their ages, so set restrictions and block apps and websites that may not be age-appropriate before your kids use the internet. You can download the FamiSafe app to block certain apps, apply a website filter and set screen time. FamiSafe also allows you to track your kids location in real-time and check their location history and for peace of mind, you can also check your kids daily phone activity timelines and find out what apps they've been using recently. There's even a feature which allows you to detect suspicious photos as well monitor text message in social media apps and on YouYube which is offensive.

You can download the FamiSafe app on the App Store or on Google Play. For pricing and more information as well as some amazing tips and tricks for other ways to keep your kids safe online take a look at their website and download the app.
4. Stay close by
This is important especially for younger children, stay nearby so that you can keep an eye on what they are viewing. If your child is watching videos on YouTube then make sure that they aren't using headphones so that you can hear what they are watching. If you can, sit down and use the internet with them.
5. Use Guided Access on Apple devices
Another great tip, particularly for those with younger children, is to use the Guided Access feature on Apple devices to lock your child onto one specific app or video. Using the Guided Access feature allows you to..
- Disable areas of the screen that aren’t relevant to a task, or areas where an accidental gesture might cause a distraction
- Disable the iPhone hardware buttons
- Limit how long someone can use the appSo if your child is watching a movie on the iPad then using Guided Access will allow you to restrict your child from being able to exit out of it and accidentally go onto something else that you may not have wanted to them go on to.Thank you for reading. I hope these tips have been helpful!
Alex xo
*This is a collaborative post with FamiSafe
*This is a collaborative post with FamiSafe
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