I find these sorts of posts so interesting myself. I am super nosey and I love to know what other people have on their wish lists or receive for Christmas, mostly because it gives me inspiration as I''m often stumped when I'm asked what I'd like for birthdays/Christmas's - I'm usually too busy enjoying buying for the boys. Does anyone else do that? Even when I intend to buy something for myself say for a birthday or something, I'll end up in the toy shop or the kids clothing section! Haha.
So this year I've had a bit of a think and I've come up with a wishlist. It's not an 'I'm getting all of these things for Christmas' list, it's simply a list of things that I like and would be happy with any of. (Obviously, and I feel like I don't need to really say this, but Christmas is not all about the presents, it's a fun small part of it and I don't want this post to come across in any other way than as a bit of inspiration for those who are actively looking for ideas for themselves/other people).

The Tudors - Complete Series Blu Ray - I think The Tudors was my favourite series ever. I am obsessed with history, particularly the Tudor Era and though the series is historical fiction, there are many bits of the series that would have been quite true to life and I love that throughout watching the episodes, I was constantly on Wikipedia looking people up and finding out more about who they once were. I also loved Jonathan Rhy Meyers and Henry Cavill in it, they are amazing actors!

Wolf Hall blu ray - I never saw this series when it was on TV but it's based upon Thomas Cromwell who served as a Chief Minister to Henry VIII and I've heard really good things about it. I can't find it on Netflix and so I thought I'd add the blu ray to my wishlist.

Essential Oil Diffuser - I saw these on a stall in town the other day and I was instantly drawn to them. I was having an anxious day and it just instantly seemed to calm me down a bit. I haven't decided on which one I'd love to get but this one seems nice as I like the style and it has 7 LED mood lights. I would love to get some lavender essential oil to use in it as I find the scent of lavender so calming.

Nope, I'm not looking for a new man for Christmas, I am very happy with my own, haha. But I would love to go and see this man sing live. I have been listening to Dermot Kennedy for such a long time now and I absolutely LOVE all of his songs. It'd be amazing to see him live!
It's also my dream to see Eminem live, but that seems so far out of reach, especially so as he doesn't seem to be touring the UK, boo!

I am pretty obsessed with finding out as much as possible about Anne Boleyn as I can and I really want to read Six Tudor Queens: Anne Boleyn, A King's Obsession by Alison Weir. Of course, it's historical fiction and a novel on what we know of Anne Boleyn's character, but I think that makes it better for me. I love the stories around the Tudors and the fascinating snippets of very nearly true to life information that I find out along the way.

The other book I want to read by Alison Weir is Six Tudor Queens: Katherine of Aragon, The True Queen about Katherine of Aragon the first wife of Henry VIII.

My friend Hayley (Sparklesandstretchmarks on Instagram) mentioned that she'd been tracing her family tree on her Instagram Stories the other day. She said she'd managed to trace it right back to the 1300s and she'd even found old photos of ancestors which she shared. I was instantly fascinated and so I went straight over to ancestry.co.uk and signed up to their free trial and honestly, I was there until midnight completely hooked!
It's amazing and I managed to get so far on tracing my mum's side of the family, my real dad's side and also my Husbands side. I even found an old photograph of my Grandad and Grandmother on their wedding day. I'd not known either of them and I'd never even seen a photo of my Grandad so it was amazing! And so I'd love to get a proper membership to carry on tracing my ancestors back!

I also would quite like to get a couple of vegan cookbooks, I'm not vegan myself, I've been vegetarian since I was a young teen, but I am interested in cooking with less dairy. I find cheese and chocolate are my downfalls, so I don't think I'm 'there' with going vegan but I am loving all of the new plant-based products that have been released this year! I like the look of Happy Vegan by Fearne Cotton and BOSH!.
Other things on my wishlist...
- Lavender essential oils for the diffuser if I get one.
- Lavender massage oil
- Lavender pillow spray (I'm lavender obsessed!).
- Maybe some trousers that are nice (not jeans) and comfy!
Things that I might have already bought myself... ;)
- A couple of new jumpers - I really wanted to get myself some new jumpers and I looked in a few shops and I eventually found the ones that I liked the most in Primark for £13 each - Bargain! I may have allowed myself to have them early so that I can get the most wear out of them! :) I shared them on my Instagram Stories, so make sure you're following me on there if you're not already.
- A new Shark vacuum - I had been umming and ahhing over getting a new vacuum for a really long time. I don't know the last time we bought a new hoover and I hoover daily as we have young boys and four cats. I have heard such good things about the Shark hoovers and so today I took the plunge and invested in a new one as I got it for half price in the Black Friday sale! This is the one I bought, I haven't picked it up yet, but fingers crossed it's good!
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
You'll love have to move to Ireland. you could see Dermot Kennedy every week. Lol
ReplyDeleteI dont have a wish list this year. All I need is new clothes. I did book a trip to Lisbon in January which is my Christmas/birthday present