I love reflecting and looking back. It's so interesting that our past and our present is what shapes our future. I was recently tagged over on youtube to do The Nostalgia Tag and I loved filming it so much that I thought I would I share a post about it here on my blog too. There are 15 questions in the tag and you can find my answers below. I'd love to know your answers to some of the questions, so please do leave me a comment below once you've finished reading. :)

1. What's your favourite childhood memory? It sounds silly and maybe a bit deep, but honestly, I just loved spending time with my Mum. My real Dad left when I was three months old and so it was just my Mum and my brother and I until I was nine and my Mum met my step-dad and they had two more children. I was always very attached to my Mum as she was my only parent growing up and I loved nothing more than doing things with her. We didn't have a lot of money but things like browsing charity shops with my Mum and getting the occasional treat are my favourite sorts of memories.
2. Your favourite childhood TV programme and film? I absolutely loved watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer - I so wanted to be Buffy! And film-wise I always loved both Titanic and Matilda!
3. What were your favourite books/ book series? Without a doubt, Goosebumps! I was such a big fan of Goosebumps and I still get really excited when I see the books!
3. What were your favourite books/ book series? Without a doubt, Goosebumps! I was such a big fan of Goosebumps and I still get really excited when I see the books!
4. What were the top 3 crazes from your childhood? I remember so many crazes, things like Pogs, Pokemon Cards, Yoyo's and Football cards stand out the most to me.
5. What family traditions did you have as a child and have you carried them on? My favourite tradition was always waking up on Christmas Day to a sack full of toys at the end of my bed. My younger brother would always come into my room and we'd open our Christmas stockings together and show each other what we'd got - it was the most fun and so magical!
6. Show a picture that sums you up as a child? See above. :) I was in first school there and I chose this picture because I remember seeing it around a lot as a child - I think my Mum must have had it out in a frame. I was always desperate to grow that fringe out, but I didn't get to do it until I was a lot older.
7. When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up? I 100% believed I was going to be a famous actress. I loved drama and desperately wanted to join a stage school. I find it strange now as I'm such an introvert and I don't think that sort of job would have suited me.
8. What was your favourite place as a child? I was probably most happiest at home with my Mum. I liked hanging out in my room and keeping it neat and tidy. My brothers and my sister were always messy but I loved everything being clean and tidy. :)
9. Did you have a special toy/comforter/blanket etc. and have you kept it? I had a pink rabbit teddy called 'Bunny' and I slept with her every night. She is currently in my keepsake box in my attic eaves cupboard.
10. Who was your childhood best friend and are you still friends now? My childhood best friend was a girl named Becci, we were friends for ages and very similar! We grew apart a bit when I met Adam (my now Husband) at school and then when school finished we went our different ways. I think if we met up now, we'd still really get on as we were so similar and we spent a lot of time together.
11. What was your favourite playground game? I remember absolutely loads! I loved playing Polo a lot in the playground and then at home there was kerbsy where you'd throw the ball at the kerb and then in class there was Heads down thumbs up - I absolutely loved that game! I would got so, so excited each time we'd play it!
12. What was your favourite subject at school? I really loved Creative Writing and English. It was my strongest subject and I really enjoyed it. I wasn't so keen on maths.
13. Did you get pocket money and if so what did you spend it on? My family didn't have a lot of money, but I remember that for a time my brother and I could earn £1.50 for doing our house jobs throughout the week.
14. Tell us a funny memory from your childhood? I remember one time in secondary school taking part in a school fashion show. My crush (and now Husband) was sitting in the audience and I was taking part. I only had to walk out and then walk back in, but I tripped and fell on the stage. That was probably the most embarrassing thing that happened to me as a child until I was an adult and fell in a really smelly brook at work during a break! Haha!
15. If you could tell your younger self something what would it be? I'd tell myself to always follow my heart as that's the right thing to do. I'd also say that you know who you are more than you know and to just carry on doing your own thing and not follow the crowd.
I've tagged some YouTubers on YouTube to do this, but since I've done it on my blog too I'm going to tag some other bloggers too do it too if they'd like to. :)I'm going to tag Hayley from Sparkles and Stretchmarks, Kerry Conway and Liza Prideaux as I'd love to read their answers.
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
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