I remember when I was pregnant with my first little boy back in 2012 - it was such an exciting time! I was weeks away from getting married to the person I had loved since I was 14 years old and there we were ten years later, making the final preparations to our wedding day and with a pregnant positive test in our hands.
It was a magical, amazing time and a time that I'll never, ever forget. In fact, it was what steered me to start this very blog and I'm so glad I did. Those memories and feelings are now forever captured and I can re-visit my old posts and photographs whenever and wherever I like.
Becoming a Mum for the first time was scary and exciting and amazing and tiring and every other single emotion, but if I was to use one word to describe becoming a parent it is - magical.

For me, those first few weeks with my newborn were amazing, despite the fact that his birth wasn't straight forward and that I had to go back into hospital as I was poorly afterwards. I remember at the time feeling quite sad about the fact that the morning after I had him I couldn't get out of bed like the other Mums on the ward were and I remember feeling helpless because I struggled to stand up without any help because I felt so dizzy and would faint. I remember feeling frustrated that I couldn't even change my newborns nappy myself or even get myself a shower without my Husband being there to hold me.
So why would I describe that time as magical and amazing? Well, despite the being poorly and the longer recovery and the going back into hospital, my life had changed forever - for the better. My body had done something amazing - the most amazing. I saw how truly wonderful and supportive my Husband was as a Dad and as a Husband. He never even once bat an eyelid at my post-birth body and didn't see me as weak even when he had to hold me up in the shower, he saw my strength for giving birth to our child. I knew that in time, I would recover and start to feel better. I knew that there was plenty of time for nappy changes and for giving feeds and getting my new baby dressed (there was!!). And I knew that what mattered the most was that we had our little boy and that we were so lucky that he was healthy and strong. Life had changed for us the moment he was born - we'd started a new adventure together as a family and it's been the MOST amazing adventure I could have ever imagined.
Ethan is now four and he has a little brother Logan (our amazing second little boy) who is two and life couldn't feel anymore magical. Sure, it's a rollercoaster. Sure, some days are draining both physically and emotionally, but there is really and truly nothing quite like being a parent. And you don't realise that until you are a Mum or a Dad yourself.

If you're pregnant or if you have a new baby, then firstly huge congratulations and secondly if you're wondering what sorts of things you'll need for your baby then take a look at this pretty amazing New Baby Checklist - it's really good for not only advising you of what you'll need but also telling you by which week too.
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
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