Those of you that follow me regularly will know that I am not a crafty Mummy. It's not through lack of wanting to be, it's just I'm just not particularly skilled in that area.. more skilled at creating things I didn't intend to create.
But I'm not one to give up. I just dust my table and paint covered clothes back off and try and try again. And this Christmas I feel I have slightly got somewhere. I may have started small but I might just be finally starting to get the hang of this crafting thing, though the help of Pinterest of course, but that's OK because all good ideas probably originate from good old Pinterest.

So this is what we made this year..
Rudolph the red nose reindeer
Pinterest is full of fun craft ideas for Christmas and I loved the idea of using a finished toilet roll tube to make Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I ordered some googly eyes and a sparkly red pom pom from Amazon and that was it. We used a black pen for the mouth, cardboard from a box we had laying about to do the cut out hand antlers and sellotape to stick it all together, oh and then a bot of glitter just for fun on the fingertips/antler ends! And that was it - so simple, yet so fun!
Christmas tree card
We made a Christmas tree card together too using green card, glue, scissors and some shiny Christmas sequins that I bought from Amazon. Ethan loved picking out the sequins he wanted to use on it and I think it makes a really lovely homemade Christmas card for a family member.
Cotton wool Santa Claus
We also made Father Christmas / Santa Claus using some card and red paper, some more of our goggly eyes and some cotton wool - again something just so simple and quick but it put a big smile on my three year olds face. :)
We've now got our little Christmas creations displayed on our landing window so that every time we go down our stairs we get to see them, they've made that little area feel really festive and it's nice to have something there that we made together, even if it did look like it had rained glitter and sequins in my kitchen at the time. (See my Instagram). But hey - who cares about a bit of glitter, when the smiles and memories are what matter the most.
But I'm not one to give up. I just dust my table and paint covered clothes back off and try and try again. And this Christmas I feel I have slightly got somewhere. I may have started small but I might just be finally starting to get the hang of this crafting thing, though the help of Pinterest of course, but that's OK because all good ideas probably originate from good old Pinterest.

So this is what we made this year..
Rudolph the red nose reindeer

Pinterest is full of fun craft ideas for Christmas and I loved the idea of using a finished toilet roll tube to make Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I ordered some googly eyes and a sparkly red pom pom from Amazon and that was it. We used a black pen for the mouth, cardboard from a box we had laying about to do the cut out hand antlers and sellotape to stick it all together, oh and then a bot of glitter just for fun on the fingertips/antler ends! And that was it - so simple, yet so fun!
Christmas tree card

We made a Christmas tree card together too using green card, glue, scissors and some shiny Christmas sequins that I bought from Amazon. Ethan loved picking out the sequins he wanted to use on it and I think it makes a really lovely homemade Christmas card for a family member.
Cotton wool Santa Claus

We also made Father Christmas / Santa Claus using some card and red paper, some more of our goggly eyes and some cotton wool - again something just so simple and quick but it put a big smile on my three year olds face. :)

We've now got our little Christmas creations displayed on our landing window so that every time we go down our stairs we get to see them, they've made that little area feel really festive and it's nice to have something there that we made together, even if it did look like it had rained glitter and sequins in my kitchen at the time. (See my Instagram). But hey - who cares about a bit of glitter, when the smiles and memories are what matter the most.
I hope you all have a really wonderful Christmas with your families!
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