2016 is probably going to be a big year for us, just as 2015 was with the birth of my second son, Logan. In fact I feel like we've had a few big years in a row and I am very grateful for that. This year we are hoping to get our loft conversion done, which is booked in for around March time. We also plan to redecorate the majority of our home and I honestly can't wait to be inspired by home decor and get creative. It'll be stressful with two very young children, I'm sure of that, but I hope Adam and I will manage to keep cool heads and come together in a mutual and creative way.

Talking of being creative, I want to really explore my inner creativity. I've never really been one for being massively creative, but since I started blogging and getting into photography because of blogging, I feel I am starting to unlock a creative spark inside of me, slowly but surely. I'd like to improve my photography as a way of being more creative. I plan to start using my macro lens more and really start understanding how to take creative, more interesting shots.

I want to focus on what matters more, in many different ways from everyday life thorough to how I run my blog. I also want to slow down, take time to breathe and to take more care of my back, which is often in an awful state. I also feel like if I slow down, I'll stop flapping about and wasting time, which will allow for more productivity and creativity.

I'd like to stop being so critical of myself, I'd like to accept who I am and know that I try my best, particularly when it comes to being a Mum. My back condition often stops me from doing the little things with my boys like playing on the floor with them for longer than five minutes and I struggle with things like lifting them in and out of the car. My back condition isn't solely responsible for my Mummy guilt, I know that no matter what I do, I'll always feel guilty for something, I think most parents feel this way, but it's something I'd sort of like to get a grip of.
I could probably write for a long time about my hopes and goals for now and for the coming days, weeks, months and years but I'm aware that this post would become far too long. So I'll end it here and sum it to say that whilst I have little hopes and goals, my biggest wish is that my family and I stay healthy and happy - it sounds like an obvious wish, but it really is my most desired hope going forward.

Photography is defo one of mine for the year. I don't think I'll ever be a photographer or anything, but it's nice to be able to snap nice family pics x
ReplyDeleteAww lovely post, and thanks for linking mine! :) Your photos are wonderful, you have a real eye for it. I really dont so I'd love to take a course to understand how to "see" a photograph if that makes sense! xx