
Baby #2: 25 Weeks Pregnant.. It sort of feels like you're here already!

25 weeks pregnant, pregnancy blog, bump updates

I turned 25 weeks pregnant this week and a couple of things hit me.. number one.. I first started blogging when I was 25 weeks pregnant with Ethan (Oh and HOW much smaller was my 25 week bump then??!) and number two.. how the hell did I get to 25 weeks pregnant with baby #2 so quickly?! 

It feels like I'm really far into this pregnancy now and don't get me wrong I absolutely cannot wait to meet my second little baby boy -  in fact I think about meeting him for the first time pretty much all of the time. But I also just really don't want my pregnancy with him to go too quick. I can't slow time down, sadly I don't have that time-slowing magical wand that all of us parents are searching for, but it does sort of feel like it's all going far too quick!

It's definitely different the second time around.. I know what things to expect, things like what movements I should be feeling and what appointments and scans there are. I know sort of what to expect when baby arrives, this time I know how to change a nappy and make up a bottle. I know what and what not to pack in my hospital bag and how much I'll need in my everyday changing bag. This knowledge and experience makes me feel ready, it sort of allows my imagination to run wild and imagine what it's like for baby to be here already. I refer to him by his name all of the time and I endlessly talk to Adam and Ethan about his movements and what position I think he's in. Baby will respond to certain noises now too, though I'm sure he's pretty sick of hearing his big brother screaming in protest when he doesn't get what he wants (Oh the joys of raising a toddler!). Baby sometimes kicks me hard if Ethan decides to randomly and un-expectantly jump on my stomach, sort of like to say "Oi - big bro' - watch out I'm trying to grow in here!". It's these little things among others that sort of make me feel like he's here already. 

I've felt a little better this week too - I'm seeing an osteopath for my back pain now and I've seen a small improvement, the slight decrease in pain has boosted my emotional state and my energy levels have increased slightly too. It's still tough, my scoliosis pain can be fierce enough by itself but combined with pregnancy it can be monstrous, so I'm still taking things easy and not pushing myself. Today for example, was a pretty hard day pain-wise - I'm very lucky though in that I have the worlds best Husband who kindly spent half an hour massaging my back as soon as I got home from work. 

Apart from that things are great and I feel so blessed that I've so far had a smooth pregnancy, in that baby seems to be growing into a healthy little baby boy. <3 

pregnancy week by week updates



  1. That second photo is just gorgeous! Such a happy little boy! x

  2. Awww your bump is really coming on now! Its mad when you compare the bump size to last time, I`ve found the same every week...crazy!

    Glad the osteopath has been helping a bit! Lovely pic of you and Ethan! xx

    1. Do you have a curve in your spine? I have that and it makes my back ache so much! Xx

  3. I love your little bump photos. I think they're great. Mine were awful quality all three times. I experienced awful pains in my pelvis, back and hips with my 2nd and 3rd. I saw a physio for the 2nd but couldn't be bothered with it for my 3rd. Glad you're feeling a bit better now though

  4. Such gorgeous pictures :). Glad you're getting a bit of help for your back. I think I may need to see someone about mine if it gets any worse :( xx

  5. How fast is your pregnancy going by!? That photo of you and Ethan is gorgeous! xx

  6. You look amazing Alex! It's crazy how quickly your pregnancy is flying by, it only seems like yesterday you were announcing and doing your gender reveal! I'm glad your back pain is getting a bit better and your emotions and energy levels are coming up :) x

  7. I didn't know that Ethan was 9lb 9oz- you are such a tiny, little person to have a baby that big! Wow! My girls were just under 9lb's and 9lbs exactly! x
