
Baby #2: The Moment I Told Adam He Would Be Becoming a Dad for The Second Time

Pregnancy Announcement

I took a pregnancy test on November the 1st 2014 after experiencing a few symptoms which made me think I might just be expecting. On that day, I got a positive result telling me that we were expecting our second baby!

Adam was at work at the time and Ethan was napping. And so I decided to plan a special 'celebratory' meal at Adams favourite restaurant where I planned to tell him that our family would be growing.

I told him that we were going to celebrate the fact that he had just gone part time at work to focus more on growing his home business and when we got to the restaurant I gave him a card that said how proud I was of him and how much I love him.

On the bottom of the card I had stuck a folded up post-it-note. On it I had written.. "P.S. You're going to be a Dad again. :)"...

Here's how he reacted.. :)


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  1. Aww that's so adorable. His face and expression when he reads it is lovely :) x

  2. Awww that is so adorable, what a fabulous way to tell him

  3. Aww Alex this is so sweet! Youcan tell that he was genuinely surprised by your news! So great to have this moment recorded :) x

  4. Aw that is cute. Such a great idea.

  5. Congratulations. What an excellent way to announce to your hubster about baby number two. I know I have told you a few times but having two close in age is so fun!!!

  6. This is lovely, proper made me well up! Congratulations! xx

  7. Ah I love this! I think I'll do this the next time if we have a fourth! So cute, congratulations you guys!! Xxx

  8. Ah this is sooo lovely, I love how you told him x

  9. congrats to you both! so lovely! xx

  10. Aww this made me tear up! What a lovely idea, his face was a complete picture! Can't wait to follow your pregnancy :)

    Nicola x

  11. Now, anyone that knows me knows that I never watch videos on blogs. I actually hate them. I would rather read blog posts BUT I am so glad I watched your video. It was the sweetest, nicest, most genuine thing I have ever seen and I am made up for you. YAY for another baby! x

  12. This made me tearful too - his reaction was just priceless. :) Congrats again (and also for Hubby going part-time)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  13. Aww this made my cry!! So sweet. I'm so happy for you both! :) xx

    Thrive on Novelty

  14. Awww, this is so lovely. His face is an absolute picture, such a special moment to have captured. x

  15. What a lovely way to break the news, and your husbands face was definitely worth capturing. Congratulations xx

  16. Congratulations to you all! This had me in tears, so lovely! Hope you are feeling well!

  17. that's the perfect reaction! I almost cried I'm not gonna lie. Congrats to you! :)

  18. Awww I love your doodle firstly ;) His reaction is so cute!!! Huge congrats again

  19. Oh my goodness how beautiful! you're a wonderful family and a very special moment captured! xx

  20. Ah Alex this is so cute!! I don't know how I managed to miss it!! His little face was a picture! So nice that you captured it on film! xx
