
Karcher Steam Cleaner Review

karcher, karcher steam cleaner review, steam cleaners

I'm known to be a bit of clean freak, so getting the chance to have a go with Karcher's new steam cleaner was a bit exciting for me I'll admit. 

As I've mentioned a few times now throughout my recent blog posts, we're trying to move, so we've had a couple of house viewings and I've blitzed the house both times. It's something that possibly I use to do nearly every week, perhaps nearly everyday even. But that was before I became a mother, now having time to have a quick hoover daily is as good as it gets. 

The new steam cleaner from Karcher proved itself to be a rather fine tool when it came to deep cleaning my house and it, perhaps weirdly, felt good to blast away through the power of intense steam  the bits of dirt that I use to keep on top of daily. 

The steam cleaner is a fantastic tool for anyone and would be the perfect tool for an industrial cleaning company, but as a Mum it was even better as it is so quick to use. With time being of the essence these days it was exactly what I needed it to be; speedy. It was also easy to use, once set up. And best of all and probably most crucially the steam cleaner prevents the need for chemicals, it cleans but without the worry of those harmful chemicals being inhaled by us or worse our children. 

The many attachments that came with it proved to be of great use, I often swapped between them for different areas. It's an all round great product and something that I'm very happy to have the pleasure of owning. If you're debating this one.. it is worth it.

For more information visit http://www.karcher.co.uk.


  1. This looks amazing!!!


  2. This looks fab

  3. I have a weird obsession with my steam cleaner and I usually HATE cleaning. Whats not to love about being able to clean all the floors in a flat in less than half an hour with practically no effort. Amazing things.

    Magali x
    Petite Gingembre

  4. O I have the window cleaner and LOVE it! This looks great too :)

    Kerry @ Lived With Love! | Mummy, Beauty & Lifestyle blog

  5. Some cleaning sprays give me asthma and I would love a steam cleaner.

  6. We got one of these recently, although its not a Karcher. Really like it, only problem is that it leaves limescale marks on my tiled kitchen floor if I leave it in the same spot for too long.x

  7. I really need a pressure washer. My black car always looks dirty.

  8. I REALLY want one of these. They look fab! xx

  9. I have always wanted one of these...on my Christmas list :)

  10. This looks fab can I ask does this also do ovens? x

  11. these look fantastic i really need to look into getting one of these

  12. I have been thinking about getting one of these for ages, interesting review.

  13. Please santa, bring me one of these!

  14. Love my steam cleaner but this one looks fab!

  15. I would love one of these, may have to put one on my xmas list x

  16. I would love to be surprised with one of these for Christmas! :D

  17. I think I'm going to surprise my husband with one for Christmas.

  18. Thank you for the review I have always wanted one of these, they sound fab! :)

  19. I become a maniac with a steam cleaner once I spot a difference after steaming something I just keep going and going- steaming everything in sight.I think the children and the dog are starting to look a little worried!!!

  20. I would love to own a steam cleaner, especially after watching a recent episode of OCD Cleaners on TV

  21. we bought a steam cleaner last year, I love it

  22. I recently bought a basic steam cleaner to help after toddler mealtimes, it's been a life saver, however would love to upgrade to one like this one day as mine's not so good on doing a deep clean like this one.

  23. That's great :) I've been so impressed with my window vac, I'm not surprised that their steam cleaner is just as good! Thanks for the recommendation.
