
Is It Just Me Or Is Time Flying?

It's Friday again and is it just me or are these weeks just completely flying by?! I suppose the fact that I've been spending most of my days half a sleep lately may be why I feel like this but either way -  I seriously cannot believe that today I worked my last Friday before becoming a Mummy and that my once little and now huge baby bump is 37 weeks {full term!!} on Monday! Where has the time gone?! I know that he's going to be here before I know it and I'm so excited and can't wait to meet him but I'm getting a little {okay, a lot} nervous now. The last few weeks of pregnancy are overwhelming and especially so for a soon-to-be brand new Mum! 

Today I've spent most of my day in bed completely bunged with a horrible cold which to be honest totally sucks since I already felt pretty rough with 1. my back which has been in a lot of pain lately and 2. the general end-of-pregnancy all consuming exhaustion. So really I could of done without this cold as well but hey I guess it's better to have it now and hopefully be rid of it by the time baby decides to make his apperance.

I finally had my hair done last Monday.. I got it re-layered with more blonde highlights and I feel so much better for it! It's nice to have at least my hair looking they way that I like it!

blonde highlights layered longblonde highlights

We had our last antenatal class on Monday {we had 3 in total each 2 hours long}, and we learned how to change a baby's nappy {well actually -  a dolls nappy but you get the idea}, we also learned how to bath baby {doll} and it was our last opportunity to cram in as many silly questions as we could think of {and there were definitely a few of them from me!}. We also got ourselves this lovely little baby poop chart:

nct baby poo chart

Amazing right?! - I look forward to this!... No, really I do... Anyway, I shall leave you with something a little less, err.. gross!.. A picture of my very beautiful cat Sammy and I <3 

Enjoy your weekend!

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On Instagram : alexgladwin


  1. Aww you're so close now :D

    I have come down with a stinking cold today ... not impressed! So I know exactly how you feel.

    Good luck with everything, I'm sure it will all go brilliantly.

    Louise xxx

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

    1. Crazily close :D
      Ah that sucks I hope we both feel better soon!
      Thank you :-) xo

  2. Yeeps! It's "The Final Countdown!" Dooo dooo dooo dooo. Sorry, singing there. Well done my dear, not long now!

    Kate x
    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

    1. Hehe. And trust me, I am by now counting down these last few weeks! xo

  3. Oooh so exciting! If it makes you feel any better, I felt really exhausted last week (37 weeks) but this week (38 weeks) I seem to have been hit with a burst of energy!!!

    I hope your cold gets better soon! I think I'm coming down with one too :(

    Lol @ the poo chart!!

    Sparkles & Stretchmarks

    1. Ah yes that does make me feel a little better, it's easy to feel that this is how it is going to be now - completely exhausting, but I'm holding on for that burst of energy to kick in aka severe nesting!

  4. your stunning :) it will fly by.. i had a cold towards the end too, i thought that i would sneeze the baby out by the end!


    1. Haha, I've been thinking the exact same thing!!

  5. Love the poo chart ha xx


  6. The baby poo chart is so helpful, I can't tell you how many times I grabbed a midwife to check that my baby's nappy contents were "okay" haha xx

    1. Lol, I'll keep hold of it then for the very near future!
