October 11th 2012 marked a rather momentous day for Adam and I - it was exactly ten years to the day we began our relationship together.

I still remember the first day, 11.10.02, like it was almost yesterday, it felt special, it was special, I knew that from the very first moment that I saw him, as silly as that may sound, it is true.
We've done so much, and learnt so much from each other. We've grown into adults, and have changed remarkably from the naive fourteen year olds we both were. Though - we are definitely still as childish as we were back then that's for sure, but I hope we always are.
I feel so deeply honoured to be his wife, and to share each day with him. My only wish is to spend more and more time together. He makes me so unbelievably happy, and I hope that he knows that. He's my best friend; the best you could have. Always there for me, always making me laugh, holding my hand through the rough and the smooth times that life throws at us all. I can do anything with him, and I'd do anything for him.
There's so much history, and so much future to look forward to. But I like to enjoy the present; preferably in his arms, in our home, with our cats, and our little baby bump.
My love for him is unconditional, ten years on or fifty years on, it's forever.
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